Be the driver of your life, the author of the story in which you are the main character. Now, it's me - a guy with so many stories about youth that will tell you the journey that determines who I am today. Like many children, I was raised and surrounded by family. I never set my ambitions and did not worry about the future. It's the same at school, when all my friends put in their time studying to get good grades, I spend the same amount of time playing and end up getting bad results. This made my mother very disappointed and that day I saw her tears because of the person she had high expectations for. That moment was also when I decided to change myself and step through my own "safe zone". During that time, I was more focused, disciplined, and constantly striving for better academic performance. All my hard work paid off as I was accepted into the most prestigious high school here. At that time, my mind was open and I thought that everything has its positive side a...